Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day - Last Day

First Day of School: good day, great kids.
Last Day of August: bye-bye summer, hello school year.

Getting settled into SSHS with a first day was just fine.

Evening Practice went well.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bring it On!

After a week of teacher meetings at SSHS I am ready for the school year to begin: Bring it on! Band begins tomorrow with jazz band at 7am, wind ensemble at 8am, and so on.

Cougar Band is set for a great year of band. Things on my mind lately include visual ideas for contest field show, class atmosphere, leadership, and spring tour. Also, stuff to order like: pit mallet bags, cymbals, shoes, gloves, pep tunes, contest entry fees, tuner, and more.

Tuesday evening is a Band Booster meeting in the band room. I hope to have the band handbook ready to go for parent review. The handbook will have a schedule of ALL band events for 2009-2010 including solo & ensemble, festivals, concerts, and graduation.

With all that in mind, Bring it on! the Cougar Band is ready to roll.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Band Camp: Success!

I am so pleased to announce that Band Camp 2009 was a huge success. The finale performance featuring color guard, drum line, pit percussion, woodwinds, and brass was received with loud ovation and applause.

I am proud, to be sure.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Band Camp: Finale

This is the last day of Band Camp 2009! There is a mixture of excitement and completion; and a dose of "Whew!". The successes and progress of the Cougar Band are many. The band members and staff have created a Culture of Excellence. Many individuals have achieved beyond what they imagined possible.

Tonight there will be a pizza feast at 5pm, a parent meeting at 6pm, and a performance by the 2009 Cougar Band from 6:30-7:00pm. ALL are WELCOME. I do hope lots will attend this great conclusion to a memorable band camp. After so much hard work, a night of celebration is a must.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Week 2 of Band Camp 2009

Monday we learned to read drill pages for the first time and learned 4 moves.
Tuesday we reviewed what we learned on Monday and added 4 more moves. Then we marched while "holding" instruments.
Wednesday we reviewed what we learned on Monday/Tuesday and marched while playing!

That is fast learning. Retention of learned material is very high. Visual skills continue to improve with each day. I am excited to teach NEW DRILL today, Thursday. The Cougar Band is making great forward progress toward the ultimate goal of a completed show.

Also, I am pleased to see new members joining the band.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cougar Band - Week 2

I am pumped as week 2 of Band Camp 2009 begins. The opener drill is coming along nicely under the creative hand of Mr. Cowee. I predict enthusiastic rehearsals as the talented staff leads the Cougar Band members into their first drill rehearsals. More pep tunes, drill, the middle of the show music, and additional warm-ups will all be added this week to the music-side of the Cougar Band. Great visual and musical time are ahead for the Cougar Band in Band Camp: Week 2.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Band Camp: Week 1

I have witnessed a maximum amount of energy, excitement, and enthusiasm for the Cougar Band on a daily basis throughout this past week. The students have performed an amazing feat working hard for eight hours each day. The result: a much improved music and visual acuity. The Cougar Band is surely going to rock "way hard core" this 2009 marching season with this level of effort and achievement. Each band member, section leader, drum major, parent, and staff member should be as proud as I am to be in such a motivated group as the SSHS Cougar Band.

Go Cougar Band!

Now for some rest....

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Band Camp Continues (Day 3)

As the middle of the week came and went the Cougar Band students continued to impress me with focused effort to achieve excellence in musical and visual performance. I noticed individuals that were not willing to give in when the going got tough. The orchestra room was so hot by the end of the night because every student was putting a huge amount of energy. As the entire Cougar Band joined in the Band Room for the last 30 minute musical ensemble rehearsal, there was a charged atmosphere of enthusiasm.

Honestly, I am fired up for Day 4 - Thursday! Things that will be awesome: new pep tunes, visual block with instruments, and adding "9 to 10" from the show "Watches of the Night". Go Cougar Band!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Camp: Day 2

Wow! Two days in the can; and what a two-days! It was great to finish camp last night grooving to Zuit Suit Riot with the whole band, drumline, and pit percussion. The Cougar Band is making a strong beginning to the 2009 marching season.

The Staff has proved to be a great team with loads of talent. There is much to do with the entire band to develop a fundamental visual technique. While marching skills seem to be under-developed, everyone is pushing hard in visual basics block. The work ethic is excellent. The addition of one more staff member, Rose Reynolds, on day three will be a big help with visual.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Camp: Day 1

The Cougar Band had a great first day of band camp. A tremendous amount was accomplished; section rehearsals, visual basics, and ensemble music rehearsal. The level of enthusiasm throughout the day has resulted in an environment of excellence. This motivational atmosphere is enhanced by the highest level of teaching by the outstanding Cougar Band staff. Today the band has taken a firm step into a positive future for the Cougar Band.


Ready....Set...Go! Band Camp 2009 begins today, Monday August 10th.
I am so pleased to have enjoyed a relaxing, eventful summer. Now, fully re-charged, I am prepared to witness the powerful combination of motivated students, highly-trained staff, and great musical/visual design. The Cougar Band is in for a great marching season.

Bring it on!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Band Camp! Marimba wheel replaced and Bass Drums have arrived. One was damaged in shipping, but four are ready to go. Guard silks, poles, rifles, sabres prepped to begin full rehearsals. Brass instruments greased, oiled, and set. Drum Majors have music for the show and pep-tunes set for tomorrow. Today I am meeting with Greg Cowee to continue the development of the staging and impacts of the show.

I had a very busy end of the week with two trips to Sacramento due to a death in the family (Grandmother died at age 95) . Now my full attention is on Cougar Band 2009.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Guard Uniform Selected

A tiered tunic in a Sunburst color pattern.
(Click on word "sunburst" below image.)


Monday: Much was accomplished in the Cougar Band room. Woo and Erica checked the drums. Brandon and Michelle painted the Trophy Display Case (in hallway). Stephanie processed mailing. Sean checked drum set. Quinton stored podiums and more. Dennis - band dad - took Cougar Band shirt designs home to develop graphic designs. Laura - guard instructor - processed a large number of donated flags and material. I did stuff, too. :-)

As Band Camp is fast approaching, much is being accomplished to prepare for a great 2009 marching season. Go Cougar Band!