Sunday, June 20, 2010

PARADE = July 4th!

Graegle, CA has invited the Cougar Band (one of only 3 bands) to perform THIS YEAR in the JULY 4th Parade! Check the parade website for detailed schedule. Families encouraged to drive up and spend the day!

Practice is July 3rd 9am-Noon. Wear good shoes.
Parade is July 4th - schedule on

All Welcome to perform: incoming 9th graders, graduated seniors, past and future band members! Everybody come for a great time!

No Uniforms! Easy music!

SPREAD THE WORD - Cougar Band is marching July 4th!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Jazz Band Performing at Bartley Ranch

Cougar Jazz performs at 3:30pm today in the Hawkins Amphitheater found in Bartley Ranch. MAP. The SSHS Principal has approved this as the official "Final Exam" for Jazz Band members. Although students are still required to attend the final 2 class sessions on June 7-8 at 7am, they will have free study time. Congrats to the Cougar Jazz Band for a great year of fun music and good times.
