Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Staying warm, hot cocoa, family board games, stockings, good music, relaxing.

God Bless one and all.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Drum Line is a Go!

Following a limited push to gather names of interested Cougar Band students willing and able to be in the Cougar Winter Percussion Ensemble, I have decided to officially Go For It!

Show title: La Primavera

Show Music to be drawn from:
  1. Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" - you tube
  2. Copland's "Appalachian Spring" - you tube
  3. Vivaldi's "Spring" from The Four Seasons - you tube

Rehearsals will be Monday evenings in Jan, Feb, and March. All contests are in March. Several basketball-halftime performances will be in Feb. Instructors TBA.

Here we go Cougars, here we go!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Vacation is Here!

I have fallen off the blog-wagon recently, but am glad to blog that vacation has arrived.

Much has happened with the Cougar Band recently including:
  • jazz band playing in the halls
  • Greg Canfield subbing for Mr. R (his first sub job ever!- yea!)
  • Winter Drum line sign-up netting 16 names - music being written over break :-)
  • Christmas Carols in the halls at lunch - featuring Mr. Anderson's original song
  • Solo & Ensemble entries - 16 entries
  • recording of scales and etudes onto CD during class
  • Percussion class performed with Choir and Orchestra (2 concerts!)
  • Sub-Committee formed for Spring Tour (think Disneyland)

Wow! I'm tired and happy. The Cougar Band has had a magnificent Fall. Here comes Winter.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Contest Field Show Music for 2010

I have posted a few ideas for Cougar Band fans to enjoy.

Spring Tour - Sub-Committee

Meeting moved to Thursday 7pm at SSHS Band Room.

I hope to get much done with regard to itinerary, meals, hotel selection, budget, and payment plan. Also, a draft of the letter to parents explaining the trip and payment schedule.

See you there.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Parade

Today is a cooold day for the annual Hometowne Christmas Parade in downtown Sparks. Let's have fun! Decorate your instrument...bring your Christmas-themed hat (Santa, Elf, Reindeer, etc.)

p.s. pep band last night at game was fun....jazz band rhythm section and a horn section.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Disney Spring Tour 2010 - Committee Forming

A small group of parents have formed a sub-committee of the band boosters to focus on the special topic of the Spring Tour 2010.

Join. Spread the word. Cougar Band to the Magical Kingdom in 2010.


Band Dance - ?

What about a band dance at SSHS? Let's invite band kids from ALL the other high schools to a fun event hosted by the Cougar Band. A real DJ, food for sale, loud music, lights, and more. We can't lose.

OK Steph, let's make it happen.

2009 Final Booster Meeting

Great meeting with dedicated, motivated parent booster. This core group is dedicated to the success of the Cougar Bands. Discussed: Sweet Jazz - a new way to go, 2010 field show contests, uniforms, budget, props, pit, and much more.

Thanks to all. Great things are in store for the Cougar Band.